Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back From OEP

finally back form OEP, almost died. first day, we did alot of fun stuff i must admit like kayaking, river rafting, obstacles courses(not to mention, i was able to do all of it inclding climbing over that wall thigny), rope walking and stuff. however, there was once i fell into the mud. The Second and Third day we did more of shoppin and sightseeing tours around malacca. THE FOURTH DAY, I FELL SICK, i was down with a fever, the temperatre was fluctuating, from 37.4 in the moring, in the after noon, 36.9, then 38.3, then in the middle of the night 39.sometihn, then i was sent to hospital. well the teachers prayed for me and my friend as we were both very sick. and i prayed too, hoping that God will answer my prayers, and HE DID.
so i jsut want to thank GOD, my family my teachers, and my friends for being by my side during this time especially richard and my ct.
Signing Off,
The Recovered,

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Stress Off My Mind

finally able to relax

like finally being able to drink a bottle of coke that could not be opened. yes! ah feeling much better now. well today soccer training was so tiring.
Firstly, we ran five rounds round the field. my boots were quite tight and made me feel really uncomfortable, i think i ned to change soon.
Secondly, after 2 min water break, we did bursting/sprinting of different lenghts. lol, was really tired. i was seemingly jumping for joy until these words came out form my coache's mouth: "SECOND SET". i was like literally dying
Thirdly we played some kind of game which made us run u and down like mad. today's training really was BAD.


Monday, January 7, 2008


HI all
Yo people i am back in action finally after 2 years wwow!!
after seeing that many people have blogs, i decided to re-establish my blog in hope that it will last. so Wish me all the best
