Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back From OEP

finally back form OEP, almost died. first day, we did alot of fun stuff i must admit like kayaking, river rafting, obstacles courses(not to mention, i was able to do all of it inclding climbing over that wall thigny), rope walking and stuff. however, there was once i fell into the mud. The Second and Third day we did more of shoppin and sightseeing tours around malacca. THE FOURTH DAY, I FELL SICK, i was down with a fever, the temperatre was fluctuating, from 37.4 in the moring, in the after noon, 36.9, then 38.3, then in the middle of the night 39.sometihn, then i was sent to hospital. well the teachers prayed for me and my friend as we were both very sick. and i prayed too, hoping that God will answer my prayers, and HE DID.
so i jsut want to thank GOD, my family my teachers, and my friends for being by my side during this time especially richard and my ct.
Signing Off,
The Recovered,

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